Our latest projects
RTP 400/110-220/110/35/10 kV Divača
Dogradnja transformacije 400/110 kV in rekonstrukcije 400/220 in 110 kV stikališča ter vgradnja regulacijske kompenzacijske naprave
- 256 ton jeklenih konstrukcij podstavkov in portalov
- Montaža varovalnega sistema na portalih: 300 m
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
2016 – še v delu
Elektro – Slovenija, d.o.o.
Naziv dela
Izdelava, dobava in montaža jeklenih konstrukcij
RTP 400/220/110 kV Podlog, Izgradnja transformacije 400/110 kV
Izdelava, dobava in montaža jeklenih konstrukcij
- 110 ton jeklenih konstrukcij podstavkov in portalov
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
Elektro – Slovenija, d.o.o.
Naziv dela
Izdelava, dobava in montaža jeklenih konstrukcij
Izdelava tipskih merilnih postaj – projekt Sinica
Izdelava tipskih merilnih postaj
- kontejner 12 kos
- drogovi za veter 6 kos
- mini postaje (omare) 13 kos
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje
Naziv dela
Izdelava tipskih merilnih postaj
Kabelski nosilci, police in lestve – Kolektor Slovenska
Dobava in montaža kabelskih nosilcev, polic in lestev Kolektor Slovenska
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
2016 in 2019
Elektro Ljubljana d.d.
Naziv dela
Dobava in montaža kabelskih nosilcev, polic in lestev
Drogovi vozne mreže
Drogovi tipa: LS10P-vp, SL12P-vp, LS14p-vp, LS14LA-vp, LS16LA-vp
- 223 drogov
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
Tegrad gradnja železnic d.o.o
Naziv dela
Dobava drogov vozne mreže – Slovenske Železnice
Antenski stolp na Jančah
Montaža varovalnega sistema na portalih
- 27,0 m
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
Ministrstvo za obrambo
Naziv dela
Obnova stolpa
Antenski drog Hruševje
Izdelava, dobava in montaža antenskega droga (vključno s projektno dokumentacijo)
- stolp višine 12m
Podatki o projektu
Leto izvedbe
Občina Postojna
Naziv dela
Izdelava, dobava in montaža antenskega droga.
Cable troughs
The introduction of digital radio system GSM-R on the Slovenian railway network. Manufacture of hot-dip galvanised and stainless steel cable troughs and media.
- 13,7 km of hot-dip galvanised cable troughs with carriers
- 2,8 km of stainless cable troughs with carriers
Project data
The Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning
Job name
Manufacture of hot-dip galvanised and stainless steel cable troughs with carriers
Electrical cabinets – project BOBER
(Better Observation for Better, Environmental Response)
In the project package to upgrade the system for monitoring and analysing the water environment in Slovenia, 247 monitoring stations, for monitoring precipitation, surface water and groundwater were built, modernised and reconstructed in various locations across the country.
Project data
The Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, National Environmental Agency
Job name
Manufacture of electrical communications distribution cabinets
Outdoor lighting pillars
Manufacture and anti-corrosion protection of new steel structures outdoor lighting pillars.
- 13 piece of pillars 10 m high
- 40 piece of pillars 11m high
Project data
Slovenian Railways – Infrastructure d.o.o
Job name
Manufacture and anti-corrosion protection of steel structures.
Kanin ski lift
Manufacture and anti-corrosion protection of new steel structures for the 11 pillars of the circular cableway and renovation of steel constructions 4 CLF Prevala.
- 12 tonnes of new steel constructions
Project data
The municipality of Bovec
Job name
Manufacture and anti-corrosion protection of steel structures.
Installation of the antenna tower Pečna reber – Postojna
Demolition of the existing tower 30 m high. Building of a new foundation of the antenna tower. Manufacture, installation and anti-corrosion protection of a new antenna tower 40 m high. Removing the existing and installing a new fence of the structure.
- 29 tonnes of new steel constructions
Project data
The Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Defence
Job name
Construction work, manufacture, installation and anti-corrosion protection of steel structures, electrical works
DV 110 kV Gorica – Ajdovščina, Renovation of power lines
- 4 standing places
- 9,8 tonnes of new steel constructions
Project data
ELES, d.o.o.
Job name
Manufacture, installation and anti-corrosion protection of steel structures
DV 2×110 kV Krško – Hudo, Raising the transmission line on the section SM8 – SM11
- 4 standing places
- 6,7 tonnes of new steel constructions
Project data
ELES, d.o.o.
Job name
Manufacture, installation and anti-corrosion protection of steel structures
NPP, redundant construction of 400 kV TR field SYCA02 (AC02) and the complete renovation of the 400 kV TR field SYCA01 (AC01)
- 7,5 tonnes of new steel structures struts
- 13 tonnes of new steel structures bases
Project data
ELES, d.o.o.
Job name
Demolition, manufacture, installation and anti-corrosion protection of steel structures
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Our partners
Our clients are various ministry and energetic companies.